Book Synopsis
Imagine the Impossible! In a land still scarred by a war between two undying archmages and their respective nations, reality defies the rules binding the rest of the world. Cities crafted by wishes and fields harvested by the walking dead lay in between lands where magic warps and twists with an undefinable will. Explore the history of immortal wizard kings, wield explosive and unusual technology, and channel awe-inspiring legends in a region where the present is still haunted by the past, and echoes of destruction still shudder across the minds and souls of those who brave the Impossible Lands!Dimensions (Overall): 10.6 Inches (H) x 6.0 Inches (W) x 1.3 Inches (D)
Weight: 2.55 Pounds
Suggested Age: 22 Years and Up
Number of Pages: 344
Genre: Games
Sub-Genre: Role Playing Fantasy
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
Format: Hardcover
Author: Mariam Ahmad Saif Ansari Alexandria Bustion Basheer Ghouse Michelle Jones Tj Kahn Matt Morris Dave Nelson Shiv Ramdas Mikhail Rekun Shao Han Tan Ruvaid Virk
Language: English